Coaching Videos

Coaching videos: Everybody strives to be the best version he or she possibly can be. This goes for all kinds of topics: whether it’s business, a parent or studies. That’s why I love to make videos about coaching & personal growth. Everybody benefits from experts, coaches and therapists whom have the knowledge, experience and wisdom to help you grow into the next best you!

Take a peak at some of my coaching & personal growth videos and if you’re interested to do some business: Don’t be shy and contact me to be your Freelance Film Maker – Rotterdam!

Promovideo: Lichaamsgericht therapeut & -trainer
Featuring Marianne Verhoeff

Promovideo: Hypnotherapeut & Regressietherapeut
Featuring Edward Hazebroek

Promovideo: Aging Like A ChampionMendel Foundation – Video 1/4  (English)
Featuring Armand ‘Toek’ Hagedoorn

Promovideo: Food, health & our planetMendel Foundation – Video 2/4 – (English)
Featuring Armand ‘Toek’ Hagedoorn

Promovideo: Regaining Your HealthMendel Foundation – Video 3/4 – (English)
Featuring Armand ‘Toek’ Hagedoorn

Promovideo: What is Chronicle Pain?Mendel Foundation – Video 4/4 – (English)
Featuring Armand ‘Toek’ Hagedoorn